Cin-e-ma-tog-ra-phey: Cameras and lights, painting a motion picture.
Ian Chisholm - Cinematographer
Who am I?

My name is Ian Michael Chisholm and i'm a cinematographer. 

Born and raised in the beautiful state of Colorado where I learned the true beauty of what this world has to show. I also have loved filming since I was a boy using my dads video camera to capture the experience of Sea World. Later finding out that its the most shakiest recording I have ever seen. 

From there I took classes in high school about video production and continued forward after graduating to Kansas City where I tried live broadcasting. At that institute the basics of cameras, lights and editing were shown to me. Thus leading me to a University, Full Sail. I got my Bachelors of Science Degree in Film and learned so much in a fast time period.

Filming has many meanings but passion, pursuit, and team work stand out for me and I will always have those.

Creating a mood for a scene is always my direction when it comes to lighting. I always look to provide a very realistic feel and always back up my reasoning for putting lights where they are. 

I also start with the basics, whether that is three point lighting or creating contrast between characters.

Like I said earlier, realistic lighting is my top goal and I use lights to point the audience in the direction the director wants.


I believe using the camera as another character. Giving the camera certain characteristics gives a chance for the audience to play a purpose in what ever movie they are watching.

Films that I love have always made a camera pave a path for an audience and walk them through a maze. So with that kind of guidance it brings the audience right into the story.

With those beliefs for cameras it leads to a film that people keep watching.​​

Contact Information:

CELL: 970.310.1752


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